News Archive
Doctorate Dr. KamranDoctorate Dr. Kamran

[02/16/2024]  The MRT congratulates Dr.-Ing. Danial Kamran on the successful defense of his PhD thesis with the title "Generalized Reinforcement Learning for Automated Driving under Uncertainty".

Best Paper Award at the FAS Workshop 2023Best Paper Award at the FAS Workshop 2023

[10/31/2023]  We congratulate Frank Bieder, Haohao Hu, Johannes Schantz, Oguzahn Kirik, Florian Ries, Martin Haueis, and Christoph Stiller on receiving the Best Paper Award at the 15th Uni-Das e.V. Workshop Fahrerassistenz und automatisiertes Fahren 2023. The award was given for the paper "Ein Ansatz zur automatisierten Erstellung von Trainingsdaten unter Verwendung von HD-Karten und Mehrfachbefahrungen".

Uni-DAS Wissenschaftspreis for Dr. Ömer Sahin TasUni-DAS Wissenschaftspreis for Dr. Ömer Sahin Tas

[10/31/2023]  Dr. Ömer Sahin Tas was awarded with the Wissenschaftspreis 2023 at the 15th Uni-Das e.V. Workshop Fahrerassistenz und automatisiertes Fahre. The Wissenschaftspreis was given to him for his outstanding dissertation "Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles in Partially Observable Environments". Congratulations!

Doctorate Dr. WirthDoctorate Dr. Wirth

[10/31/2023]  The MRT congratulates Dr.-Ing. Florian Wirth on the successful defense of his PhD thesis with the title "Conditional Behavior Prediction of Interacting Agents on Map Graphs with Neural Networks".

George N. Saridis Best Transactions Paper AwardGeorge N. Saridis Best Transactions Paper Award

[07/14/2023]  We congratulate Constantin Hubmann, Jens Schulz, Marvin Becker, Daniel Althoff und Christoph Stiller to the George N. Saridis Best Transactions Paper Award of the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems for their work "Automated Driving in Uncertain Environments: Planning With Interaction and Uncertain Maneuver Prediction".

MB2ML Workshop @ IV2023: keynote speakersMB2ML Workshop @ IV2023: keynote speakers

[05/17/2023]  Thrilled to announce the keynote speakers for our upcoming MB2ML - Bridging the Gap between Map-Based and Map-Less Driving! Join us at this year's MB2ML workshop in Anchorage, Alaska at 4th June!

Final demo UNICARagilFinal demo UNICARagil

[05/11/2023]  One of MRT's largest projects, UNICARagil, had its final demonstration on May 11 on the Aldenhoven Testing Center.

Doctorate Dr. MeyerDoctorate Dr. Meyer

[05/01/2023]  We congratulate Dr.-Ing. Annika Meyer on the successful defense of her PhD thesis with the title "Echtzeitfähige Schätzung generischer Linienzüge für das kartenlose automatisierte Fahren mittels Deep Learning".

Doctorate Dr. HenzeDoctorate Dr. Henze

[02/16/2023]  We congratulate Dr.-Ing. Franziska Henze for successfully defending her PhD thesis "Transparente Verhaltensentscheidungen automatisierter Fahrzeuge – Sensitivitätsanalyse von Planungsalgorithmen"!

Doctorate Dr. RichterDoctorate Dr. Richter

[12/08/2022]  We congratulate Dr.-Ing. Sven Richter for successfully defending his PhD thesis "Multi-Sensor Environment Perception for Automated Vehicles with Semantic Evidential Grid Maps"!

Best Paper Award on ITSC 2022Best Paper Award at ITSC 2022

[11/29/2021]  We congratulate Christoph Burger, Johannes Fischer, Frank Bieder, Sahin Tas, and Christoph Stiller to the 2nd Best Paper Award at the 25th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems for their work "Interaction-Aware Game-Theoretic Motion Planning for Automated Vehicles using Bi-level Optimization".

Link to Paper
MB2ML Workshop @ IV2023: Call for Papers!MB2ML Workshop @ IV2023: Call for Papers!

[11/23/2022]  The institute organizes the MB2ML workshop at this year's IEEE IV Symposium in Anchorage, Alaska, contributions welcome!

Doctorate Dr. BurgerDoctorate Dr. Burger

[11/04/2021]  We congratulate Dr.-Ing. Christoph Burger for successfully defending his PhD thesis "Interaction-Aware Motion Planning for Automated Vehicles"!

Doctorate Dr. OrzechowskiDoctorate Dr. Orzechowski

[10/17/2022]  We congratulate Dr.-Ing. Piotr Orzechowski for successfully defending his PhD thesis "Verhaltensentscheidung für automatisierte Fahrzeuge mittels Arbitrationsgraphen"!

Doctorate Dr. TasDoctorate Dr. Tas

[06/21/2022]  We congratulate Dr.-Ing. Ömer Sahin Tas for successfully defending his PhD thesis "Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles in Partially Observable Environments"!

Vehicle demonstration IV'22Vehicle demonstration IV'22

[06/09/2022]  We will present our new roof top sensor box and automated driving at this year's Intelligent Vehicle Symposium in Aachen on June 9th.

Carolo-Cup 2022Carolo Cup 2022

[03/18/2022]  Congratulations to Team "KITcar" for successfully defending the title at the Carolo-Cup@Home 2022.

Registration FAS Workshop 2022

[02/23/2022]  The registration for the FAS Workshop 2022 can be found as of today here. We would like to cordially invite you to participate from 09 - 11.05.2022 at the Kloster Bonlanden in Berkheim (Germany).

MRT IV WorkshopsMRI IV Workshops

[02/23/2022]  The institute (co-)organizes 2 workshops at this year's IEEE IV Symposium in Aachen, contributions welcome!

Special Session at FUSION 2022Special Session at FUSION 2022

[02/23/2022]  The MRT organizes the special session "Real-time critical perception tasks in the context of automated driving" at FUSION 2022 in Sweden, contributions are welcome until 1st March!

Doctorate Dr. RehderDoctorate Dr. Rehder

[02/11/2022]  We congratulate Dr.-Ing. Eike Rehder for successfully defending his PhD thesis "Probabilistic Goal-Directed Pedestrian Prediction by Means of Artificial Neural Networks"!

Automated driving with JoyAutomated driving with Joy

[10/19/2021]  A new research vehicle for automated driving from the BMW Group arrived at our lab!

Everingham prizeEveringham Prize for KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite

[10/17/2021]  Andreas Geiger, Philip Lenz, Raquel Urtasun and our head of institute Christoph Stiller were awarded the 2021 Everingham Prize for the KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite at ICCV 2021.

Doctorate Dr. KönigshofDoctorate Dr. Königshof

[10/13/2021]  Congratulations to Dr.-Ing. Hendrik Königshof who presented and successfully defended his PhD thesis!

Doctorate Dr. SalscheiderDoctorate Dr. Salscheider

[07/07/2021]  Congratulations to Ole Salscheider who presented and successfully defended his PhD thesis!

KIT21: Interview mit Dr. Martin LauerKIT21: Interview mit Dr. Martin Lauer

[07/06/2021]  Im Beitrag "Auf dem digitalen Rücksitz" vom KIT21 beantwortet unser Forschungsgruppenleiter Dr. Martin Lauer Fragen zum Thema automatisiertes Fahren live vor der Kamera!

MRT in ZDF TV broadcastingMRT in ZDF TV broadcasting

[05/29/2021]  The ZDF broadcast plan b on "Artificial Intelligence" from May 29th 2021 features the MRT and our head of institute Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Stiller in a contribution on automated driving. The broadcast is available in the media library. The MRT feature starts at time 18:45.

UNICARagil - Rollout of the first prototypeUNICARagil - Rollout of the first prototype

[04/27/2021]  After three years of intensive work, the time has finally come - the first prototype is standing on its own wheels. At the rollout on Tuesday, April 27, 2021, the first vehicle of the UNICARagil family was able to leave the workshop halls of the ika on its very own power.

Dr. Martin Lauer receives faculty teaching awardDr. Martin Lauer receives faculty teaching award

[05/12/2021]  We congratulate Dr. Martin Lauer on the faculty teaching award 2021 of the faculty of mechanical engineering which he received for his excellent lecture "Machine Vision" at the suggestion of the student council.

FUSION2021 Special SessionSpecial Session at FUSION 2021

[04/10/2021]  The MRT organizes the special session "Real-time critical perception tasks in the context of automated driving" at FUSION 2021 in South Africa, contributions are welcome until 15th May!

Doctorate Dr. WirgesDoctorate Dr. Wirges

[03/26/2021]  Congratulations to Sascha Wirges who presented and successfully defended his doctoral thesis on "Traffic Scene Perception for Automated Driving using Grid Maps"!

 MRT IV Workshops

[03/10/2021]  The institute (co)organizes two workshops at this year's IEEE IV Symposium, contributions welcome!
