DIRD based Place Recognition Library

This website presents DIRD based place recognition as it is presented in our publication (see below). Source code and datasets are made freely available and can be downloaded further down below. DIRD feature vectors are extracted for every image of a given sequence. Thereafter pairs of images are automatically found that belong to the same place. The method is very robust against illumination changes.
This library can be used for loop closure detection in visual SLAM. It is written in C++, is self contained, easy to compile using CMake, runs on Linux and Windows and includes MATLAB wrappers as well as sample datasets. Moreover, the feature extraction is very fast (approx. 7ms on a single core). Place recognition is fast using SSE intrinsics. It is ready to use: No codebooks or the like are needed beforehand.
Using this Code as part of your Software
The code is published under the GNU General Public License.
The source code can be downloaded here:
libDird.zip [1MB]
This is the first dataset:
threefold.zip [1.9GB]
This is the second dataset:
twofold.zip [6.5GB]
Here the visual odometry test suite of the KITTI dataset can be downloaded. Our source code contains a readme.txt with instructions of how to use the KITTI dataset for place recognition.
KITTI dataset: KITTI data
KITTI website: KITTI
KITTI dataset: KITTI data
KITTI website: KITTI